Something new in the world of Christianity is difficult to come by. The religion has been around for thousands of years, so how does one improve upon that?
Korean company Xell has had a product on the market for awhile now that could revolutionize the way one reads their bible. The Digital Bible Player – shortened to DBP for your speaking ease – has been supplying Korean’s with the good Lord’s teachings digitally. The new launch adds an mp3 player and FM tuner so you can bebop to your favorite tunes at church or even listen to the football game you so desperately want to hear. There is also an E-book reader, allowing you to load other literature and read that at the same time. Not much of a chance in getting this little treasure to the states any time soon, but keep your eyes peeled if you speak hongol and want to read the bible with out the risk of those pesky paper cuts.

i left u a blog under My Left Eye Sees Ghost. Personally, as a chinese american, it's kinda okay movie. And Edison is very hip hopish, ppl in hong kong calls his hip hop dance moves as "gorilla dance"(kinda makes fun of the way he dances). He was popular once when he first came out(a heart-throb), but many ppl doesn't approve of his lifestyle.
Thanks for commenting Jen Suen!!! I hope you'll come back and visit again. I'd heard Edison wasn't all that popular in Hong Kong - but not to this extent.
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