With all the hype surrounding the recent release of two new gaming systems, I find myself less than excited. More annoyed in fact, that my favorite blogs, forums, and websites are flooded with information about the Wii and the PS3. There out. People are buying them. Kids want them for Christmas. I get it. New technology will always be put out and we will always be fascinated with it. I believe that we just need to be calmer about it and realize it's JUST a video game system. That being said: I have found the perfect item for myself. I like the look of the Wii, I just don't have almost $300 bucks to drop on one and another 50+ for a game. So, to show my love of all things Japanese and my fan-hood of Nintendo I turn to: Strapya. Yes, the good folks at Strapya have the hook up on a dual-purpose item that I am DESPERATE to get my grubby little hands on:

The Wii miniature Wiimote safety whistle. What better way to say: "I love the Wii." than carrying this little gem around on your celly? Next order I put in at Strapya, this will be traveling from Japan to live with me.
Available HERE for a mere 598 yen ($5.19)

The Wii miniature Wiimote safety whistle. What better way to say: "I love the Wii." than carrying this little gem around on your celly? Next order I put in at Strapya, this will be traveling from Japan to live with me.
Available HERE for a mere 598 yen ($5.19)
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